Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wisdom Wednesday

Today is Wisdom Wednesday......where we share some dental wisdom with all of our blog readers.
Have you ever gotten a cold sore or a fever blister?  Ouch!  It is one of the most painful oral conditions you can get, and for years we've had no good way to treat them.  You were just forced to wait it out.

Did you know that you could ask your dentist to help?  Drs. Cashion and Cody have had tremendous success with 2 treatments: one involves a chemical curing and the other utilizes a laser.  Both treatments will shorten the duration of the outbreak. Instead or 7 days of pain, we can cut it down to 2!
Call  281-815-4188 for a quick 15 minute appointment.

Additional information:
Some cold sores are caused by herpes virus, and can be triggered by something you're eating. There are dietary changes you can make that will decrease the number of outbreaks.
The herpes virus feeds off of an amino acid called arginine. Eating large quantities of foods that contain this amino acid can promote outbreaks. The foods that really should be avoided are: chocolate, whole wheat bread, popcorn, and nuts. This may help you control your outbreak of cold sores.

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